Welcome to Ershui Elementary School

Ershuei Elementary School, located in the beautiful township of Ershuei in Changhua County, has a proud history dating back to its founding in 1902. With a student population of approximately 300, our school is dedicated to providing a nurturing and enriching environment for our young learners.

At Ershuei Elementary School, we believe in fostering the diverse talents and interests of our students. Our school offers a wide variety of extracurricular clubs, including: Taiko drumming, violin, ukulele, Taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, badminton, basketball, skateboarding, rollerblading, dance, creative arts, creative puzzle solving, LEGO building and calligraphy. 

Through these diverse clubs, we aim to help our students develop a range of skills and interests, fostering their personal growth and development.

We are committed to promoting a culture of reading at Ershuei Elementary School, as we believe that cultivating strong reading habits from an early age is essential for lifelong learning. To encourage our students to develop a love for reading, we have implemented several initiatives, including:

1. Modeled Sustained Silent Reading (MSSR): This program emphasizes the importance of adults serving as role models for children's reading habits. By providing a quiet and comfortable environment for uninterrupted reading, we encourage students to choose their own books and develop a love for reading.

2. Reading Programs and Activities: We also organize various reading-related activities such as newspaper education, "Reading Doctor" certification, and parent-child reading events. These initiatives deepen our commitment to reading education and help our students build strong reading habits.

At Ershuei Elementary School, we are dedicated to providing a diverse and engaging educational experience for our students. Through our extracurricular clubs and reading promotion initiatives, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment where students can thrive and develop a lifelong love for learning. Join us on this exciting journey and become a part of the Ershuei Elementary School family!


二水國小坐落於彰化縣美麗的二水鄉,其悠久的歷史可追溯到 1902 年的創校。學生人數約為 300 人,我們學校致力於為我們的年輕學生提供一個培育和豐富的環境。

在二水國小,我們相信培養學生的多元化才能和興趣。 我們學校提供種類繁多的課外社團,包括:太鼓、小提琴、烏克麗麗、跆拳道、網球、乒乓球、羽毛球、籃球、蛇板、直排輪、舞蹈、創意美術、創意藝拼豆、樂高積木和書法。


我們致力於在二水國小推廣閱讀文化,因為我們相信從小培養良好的閱讀習慣對於終身學習至關重要。 為了鼓勵我們的學生培養對閱讀的熱愛,我們實施了幾項措施,包括:

1. 「身教式持續安靜閱讀」(MSSR):該計劃強調成人作為兒童閱讀習慣榜樣的重要性。 通過為不間斷的閱讀提供安靜舒適的環境,我們鼓勵學生選擇自己的書籍並培養對閱讀的熱愛。

2、閱讀項目與活動:我們還組織各種閱讀相關的活動,如報刊教育、「閱讀博士」認證、親子閱讀活動等。 這些舉措加深了我們對閱讀教育的承諾,幫助我們的學生養成良好的閱讀習慣。

在二水國小,我們致力於為學生提供多元化和引人入勝的教育體驗。 通過我們的社團和閱讀推廣計劃,我們努力營造一個溫馨宜人的環境,讓學生能夠茁壯成長並培養終生對學習的熱愛。 請加入我們這個激動人心的旅程,成為二水國小大家庭的一員!